Creating your schedule

Here's a step by step guide to creating your fist schedule.
Written by Sani
Updated 3 years ago
Let's go and create your first schedule.

On the main page click on 'Team Schedule'.
This will take you on the current week, swipe left to move to future weeks.
The first view, is the employee view. Here you will see your employee's requests and respond to them before proceeding on the shift view.

Employee view:

By clicking on the request you can see the reason and respond accordingly:

Once you have responded to your employee's requests, you can manually allocate shift to your employees:

Or you can switch to shift view by clicking the 'clock' icon under the 'Exit' button:

And assign employees to your shifts, by clicking on any shift, blend will show you the available employees for that specific position.
You can manually select and add an employee:

You can complete the schedule by manually adding your employees to shifts, or you can use our 'Autofill' feature, located on the top right, and let Blend algorithm create the schedule for you.

Here’s how the schedule will look like after you have assigned employees to your shifts:

You can complete the schedule manually, or you can use our 'Autofill' feature, located on the top right, and let Blend algorithm create the schedule for you.

After using 'Autofill' you can still review the schedule and make any changes necessary. Once you are done you can click on 'Publish' located on the top right. Your schedule will be published and your team members will receive a notification.

You cant take a look how a completed, published schedule looks like:

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